Our story.
(Circa 2012, the week the program was founded)
(For info on Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Brown, click here)
What began as an experiment in reaching underserved communities in 2012 while I lived in the Gulf region has grown from a small group of six families who formed the first virtual Suzuki-based program in the world into the premier web-based young artists program for young violinists worldwide.
The AVIVA Young Artists Program now serves families and students on 5 continents, runs yearly research and pilot projects related to distance teaching, and consistently forms young musicians who are thoughtful, successful, well-rounded and healthy. More than 15,000 lessons and many technological advances later, we've come a long way together.
Why is the AYAP different? It's backed by ongoing research, a commitment to world-class teaching, a desire to connect people on a human level through music, and most importantly, a vision of using music as a way to nurture creativity, humanity and an appreciation of the arts in all young people. The name AVIVA evokes thoughts of youth and new growth. It was chosen as the program name as we strive to look forward, grow and innovate together. The program has no religious affiliation and fosters inclusivity in all of its forms.
What can you expect? Whether you engage with us in one of our live programs, a summer experience or through our streaming content, you can expect the same pillars to stand true: World-class faculty and speakers, experienced teaching, an inclusive environment, the creative use of technology, constant and positive reinforcement, logical pedagogical sequencing, measurable improvement, and continuous research into the most innovative ways to use technology as an effective teaching tool.